
Alex Johnson Landscape Design is a small landscape consultancy in Bristol, dedicated to delivering high quality, appropriate and cost effective landscape solutions. We are interested in finding innovative and fitting responses to existing problems and new initiatives in the garden, and anywhere else without a roof.

We lay particular emphasis on solutions which will be long lasting and will contribute to their surroundings and the users' well being over a sustained period.

We believe in creating landscapes which are sustainable within the context of materials, users, maintenance and the local ecology; and we place great importance on the potential of well thought out planting schemes and plant combinations to create atmosphere, robustness and delight.

Our overarching aim is to demonstrate through our gardens and landscapes how rewarding good landscape design can be financially, practically and spiritually.


Philosophical Trees


Alex Johnson Landscape Design

1 Elgin Park
Bristol BS6 6RU
Tel: 07720 288553 Contact Us

Landscape Institute Registered PracticeSociety of Garden Designers